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2023-05-26 02:35:05




Since our first cry, shout out to this beautiful world, a clear blue sky overhead, his foot on a piece of fertile land, fresh air, the warmth of the sun, it is belong to our beautiful home together.

But now, the earth mother is crying, seek help from people a faint signal. All kinds of natural disasters to the people, not far, just said that in recent years, our country suffered the worst in yunnan province drought. Especially in chuxiong city, more than 20 thousands of rural people lack of water. Severe drought has caused the entire province 7.42 million people drinking water newborn piggy, 4.59 million head of other animals. Wheat planting area of 37 million mu in 2010, the affected area of 31.48 million mu, accounts for 85% of the area sown. Water, is now being considered as the most precious thing. Yunnan is a place where there are mountain water, how can get to the point? The final cause of natural disasters, part caused by the human. Because people cut down trees, cause soil and water flow, in order to seek interests, people planted a lot of eucalyptus, eucalyptus, known as "water pump", as the name implies eucalyptus growth needs a lot of water and nutrients, as long as been eucalyptus planting soil, will be dried up, have no a little water.

Also is such, human damage to the environment, not sparing their homes, for immediate interests. Just, why don't we can step back and think about it, the fertile earth, a piece of blue sky, this piece of fertile land, lush forest here, the water clear, charactizing a fine spring day, everything, are not given to us the most precious of the most valuable wealth? Try to ask, did not have it all, what we need to the wealth of the other mail?

People all know, only respect yourself, respect others, others will respect you, treat us this piece of land to the survival of plants and so on is not the case? We have to attack and destroy it is equal to the push yourself into gehenna. In order to we can better survival and development, we should cherish it well, take good care of it.









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