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2023-05-26 07:15:07




Early in the United States, Alaska has a pair of young people get married, after marriage family, his wife died of dystocia, left a child.

And his busy life, busy with housekeeping, because no one to help the children, training a dog, that dog cleverness obedient, can take care of children, children bite a bottle feeding to drink, raising a child.

One day, the host go out, call it to take care of the children.

He went to other country, in the heavy snow, the day can't come back. The next day to get home, the dog immediately hear sound came out to meet his master. He put the door open and there was blood all over, and looked up, the bed is blood, children disappeared, a dog around, mouth is full blood, master found that this kind of situation, thought the dog attack, the

Children eat, great anger, picked up a chopping knife toward the head, had killed the dog.

Later, suddenly heard the child's voice, and saw him climb out from under the bed, then picked up the child. The body has blood, but was not injured.

He is very strange, I don't know what's going on, and look at the dog, and did not have the leg meat, the flank have a Wolf, his mouth still bite a dog meat; The dog saved little host, but mistakenly killed by host, this is the world's most amazing misunderstanding.

Is misunderstanding, people often don't understand, no reason, no patient, lack of thinking, not understanding each other, reflect on yourself, feeling very impulse of what had happened.

Misunderstanding in the beginning, is always just think of each other's thousand wrong all wrong; Therefore, can make misunderstanding deeper, to get to the point of control, people to misunderstand the ignorance of animal dog, still there will be such a terrible consequences, such misunderstanding between people, it is hard to imagine the consequences.











Mom, today you misunderstood me.

"These days you don't write a article is it because the last time I let you delete a post? It is half a month! I see because you anger!" You initially said today.

Is not what you think, because I'm not half a month ago that thing, also not because of my anger. The reason is very simple, I just can't. Last year, I wrote a dozen articles, but not much essence; This year, the summer is almost over, but I did not even write 5, sitting on a desk to articles every day, or rush there, or sit in front of the computer stunned, even on the bus to conceive, but are difficult to squeeze out a word. So, I never is like what you said.

Mom, you misunderstood me.

"What do you do things, if the result is not what you think, you will be angry, even when you talk to your dad go lost will be angry." You said again.

Is this actually, father often drink to go with me, he is not even the next three or four positions, is moving pieces. Even more, I later, he put the pieces away that the he... At this time, I always told him a drink is bad, hurt the body, to do what is in a daze, but he didn't listen to, drink every day. Then, I was angry. But I am angry reason is not like what you said.

Mom, you misunderstood me again.

"You are the sun and the moon? Untouchable? Damage shall not? Magazine did not use will be sad. I don't look at me 'investment' you, you can come back from continous outside, save money, what's the use of 'investment' you? Will only spend money, never make allowance for the parents." You said at last.

I'm not a will only spend money! Do you know why I suddenly want to throw that many draft? Because I want to earn money, to help you reduce the burden. Do you know why I will sad due to the magazine didn't be used? That's because I sad for not able to return your chance. Do you know why I give myself pressure on study? Because I want to get scholarships of hk $7000, left a sum of money...

Mom, you really misunderstood me.

This is, you into my room, after a storm comes a calm again on the face, said: "you don't get me wrong oh mother, I just said that you couldn't write the article in order to make you think why didn't write a composition to stimulate you to write the article; I said angry words that you love is to let you change my temper, I finally said that in order to make you do more housework, exercise yourself, also hope you don't pay attention to the result, don't put pressure on yourself..."

Mom, so it is not you misunderstood me, but I misunderstood you.



不是你所想的那样,我不是因为半个月前的那件事,也并不是因为我赌气。原因很简单,我就是没灵感。去年,我写十几篇文章,但没多少精华;今年,暑假都快完了,我却连5篇都没写到,天天坐在书桌想文章,要不就在那儿急,或者坐在电脑前发呆,连在公共汽车上都要构思,但挤出一个字都难。所以,我绝不是像你 所说的那样。













400字作文稿纸a4打印模板 那一次我真开心600字初中作文 我在什么中成长作文600字 以感动为话题的作文600字 什么的魅力作文600字 消防安全作文500字左右 心中有话对你说作文600字 解开缚心的绳索作文600字 一个难忘的眼神作文600字 阳光灿烂的日子作文600字 我的未来不是梦作文600字 记事文作文600字 西游记观后感800字作文 亲切的怀念作文600字 我想唱首歌作文600字 我的拿手菜作文600字 我爱我家作文800初中 有什么真好作文600字 我喜欢的小动物作文400字 关于寒假的作文300字 以青春为话题的作文800字 我得到了表扬作文400字 成长的代价作文600字 爱就在身边作文300字 我懂得了珍惜作文600字 成长中的烦恼作文400字 打屁股作文5000字 非凡的美丽作文600字 新年愿望作文450字 何以解忧唯有什么作文