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2023-05-26 07:15:14


导语: 不要指望人们会理解你们。他们的误解就是对你们的认可,他们的误解就是对你们的证明。那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


A very clear morning, xiao Ming got up much later than usual, faced to the class time, he didn't think of the teacher said to the students to buy a pen. He hurriedly out of the house, and hurriedly to buy a pen.

Xiao Ming in the stationery shop, picked a collector, purple pen. To school after xiao Ming is very proud to take out the pen, loudly said to the class: "look! I have a cherished pen! Beautiful?"

First class started, xiao Ming thought: well, so nice pen, I'd better put it in the pencil-box. About twenty minutes of class, the teacher let the students writing important part of the hook on the books, xiao Ming subconsciously to take new pen, pen like evaporated, however, without a trace! Xiao Ming in full head big sweat, the table, the table was looking for. Inadvertently, xiao Ming took xiao gang table: oh my god, my pen is in there! Xiao Ming was surprised to see xiao gang, his pen in hand in the homework. Xiao Ming thought: I must put the pen back after class.

After school, xiao Ming go to the office, please the teacher angrily pulled xiao gang reason, xiao Ming speak later, the teacher said to xiao gang, "xiao gang, quick return the pen to xiao Ming." Xiao gang could make it clear to the teacher, xiao Ming took the pen.

In the second lecture, xiao gang was very sad, tears "snapping" snapping "off" on the books. Xiao Ming to just take out your Chinese book, found his pen in the book clip, xiao Ming think: how could I misunderstood xiao gang? Class is over what should I say to him?

Finally wait for the second class, xiao Ming red embarrassedly, return the pen to xiao gang and said: "xiao gang, I'm sorry I made a mistake. My pen and your pen, and my pen in the book." Xiao gang said: "don't worry, just changed, we are still friends." Xiao Ming said: "I must get rid of the bad habits."








Sunny day, my good friend bell zhi came to my house to play. At that time, I together with her on QQ, she know my password, but I didn't, because I have been very believe her, she would never make a gross, but just that day, I misunderstood her... Her home soon, I can't on the QQ, I'm out in a rash, asked the father, he said someone is on my QQ. At this time, I thought: "in addition to bell zhi know my password, no one knew, is nothing more than her..." I doubt the bell zhi slowly. I am sitting in front of a computer, desperately to curse her: "what did she turned sex, is really of! The one who is, won't have what good end, wait and see!" I like this for a whole afternoon, finally I don't think this way. After dinner, I make a phone call to her, she is a meet, I was very rude to speak: "you have on my Q? To be honest, quick!" Zhang two monks confused, she timidly replied: "I don't have your qq, I got home to watch TV, the computer didn't touched touch." I think: "well, well done, very will pack!" Then, I intentionally against her: "that why I can't on qq? If only you know my password, after you left, I won't on it. This is precisely what's going on?" "How do I know!" She readily answer. I fire emit three zhangs, angrily threw her a word: "is really dare not admit have a guilty conscience." Say, ignoring her feelings off my call.

The next day, I finally can come up to the Q. After dad explained, I just know originally I Q of the virus, he helped me in tune. Now, I didn't realize his mistake, ah, I misunderstood the good friend, said yesterday that I would have brought her a lot of damage. I wronged her, she will be sorry. I apologized to her bravely, finally, we are still good friends. I reflect on their own reckless stupid, indiscriminate wronged person. Through this matter, I understand: encounter things must clear up things calmly, and then correct treatment. Only the discernment man, can avoid the happening of misunderstanding.

阳光明媚的.一天,我的好朋友铃芷来我家玩。那时,我和她一起上QQ,她知道了我的密码,可我并没有防备,因为我一直以来都很相信她,她绝对不会做出见不得人的事,但正好那天,我误会了她...... 她回家不久,我就上不到QQ了,我急得团团转,问了爸爸,他说是有人正在上着我的QQ。这时,我想:“除了铃芷知道我的密码,再也没有人知道了,无非是她......”我慢慢地怀疑起铃芷。我坐在电脑前,拼命地咒骂她:“她怎么转性了,真是的!这种人不会有什么好下场的,等着瞧吧!”我就这样气了整整一个下午,最后我觉得这不是办法。饭后,我打了个电话给她,她一接,我就很无礼地开口:“你有没有上我Q?实话实说,快!”她丈二和尚——摸不着头脑,胆怯地回答:“我没上你的Q啊,我一回到家就看电视了,电脑摸也没摸过。”我想:“哼,做得不错,挺会装的!”然后,我故意顶她:“那怎么我上不到Q呢?好象只有你知道我的密码啊,你走后,我就上不到了。这究竟是怎么回事呀?”“我怎么知道!”她爽快地回答。我火冒三丈,怒气冲冲地丢给她一句:“真是做贼心虚不敢承认。”说罢,我不顾她的感受关了电话。

第二天,我终于能上到Q了。经过爸爸的一番解释,我才知道原来我的Q中了病毒,他帮我调好了。现在,我才认识到自己的错误,哎,我误会了好朋友了,昨天我说的话一定会给她带来了不少的伤害。我冤枉了她,她一定会不好受的。我勇敢地向她道歉了,最后,我们还是一对好朋友。 我反省了自己的鲁莽愚蠢,不分青红皂白就冤枉人。通过这件事,我明白了:遇到事情一定要镇定地把事情弄清楚,然后再正确处理。只有明辨事理的人,才能避免误会的发生。




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