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2023-05-27 03:28:05




Last year, July 12th is my tenth birthday. That day, let me feel incomparable happiness, joy and warmth.

Rose up in the morning, I was so excited, and friends to jump, jump, play happily. I also received many birthday gift: a pen container, piggy bank, pen, skateboard and so on. Only mother silently beside tidying, reveal the thick sweat on his forehead. I can't help but stepped forward to say: "mother, rest!" Mother looked up, smiled and said to me: "no!" And he continued to work again.

My yao family in the evening, the setting sun is shining brightly, and the elders, partners, a total of more than 60 people came to the hotel and my birthday together. One to the hotel, I started to play with friends heartily. Mom is in part work: she pour the tea for the guests; Tableware and rush to take, there were not enough chairs and then hurried back to put good, too tired to full head big sweat.

"I wish you a happy birthday, wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a happy birthday, I wish you a happy birthday!" And beautiful melody of birthday songs from my ear rings, mother also sitting on that softly sing. At this time, my in the mind have a kind of unspeakable joy.

Mother in that day, I felt so happy; That day she was singing the birthday song, I felt so happy; That day my mother and I on the bed when sleeping, I felt a warm sweet flowing in my heart!









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