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2023-05-27 03:30:04




"Xi resembles rain, xi resembles rain," is under the light rain outside the window. I open my eyes from far away, around a piece of white. Snow White walls of the head of a bed a big word "static". I know this is a hospital. Because have a bad cold a few days ago, I had to leave sunny classrooms, to live in a room full of potions taste. Here, see the flowers in full bloom, hear the birds singing, no frolicking classmates joy. Eat into the mouth of every piece of medicine is bitter, play in the body of each injection is painful, only feel a trace of pleasure when my mother came to see me every day.

I turned away, his gaze on the bedside table with the calendar: "on September 13," it's not my birthday? My heart burst of joy, but immediately followed by the trouble of invading again. Someone's birthday is happy and happy, they can share the joy and the parents, or about a few friends to go outing, but I now...... Originally I also with several good friends agreed to go to the park together on my birthday dinner, but because of the sudden illness made me a better plan fell through. I don't want to think down, closed his eyes, in anger put a quilt on the head, drowsy.

Don't know how long, I only heard the familiar and friendly voice calling to me. I slowly open heavy eyes, fuzzy in see someone stand in front of the bed. Rubbed his eyes a look carefully, I can not help but to cry out: "Ding Lou, is you! Cao Minghui you. Oh! And Lin Yaxuan!" I suddenly sat up and several days of mind were also awake a lot. Ding Lou sat on the edge of the bed will hand hand me a bunch of flowers, said: "today is your birthday, this bunch of flowers is a token of our, please accept it." I took a look, ok beautiful carnation! Red like a fire; White like a cloud; Pink, like a chardonnay; Yellow like a brocade, and light fragrance refreshing. At this moment, Lin Yaxuan has a bottle of water from outside the room is filled, I insert the flower in the bottle, placed on the bedside table.

A little birthday party "born" in the ward. Cao Minghui took out a birthday cake from his bag and hand I cut a piece, said: "may you recover soon, I wish you a happy birthday!" I took the cake, looked at the pairs of eyes and friendly smile sincerely, SOB, at this moment, what can I say?

Small room is full of friendship, friends stretches the voice, for I sing the "happy birthday to you", listened, opened my face smiling face, this is my heartfelt laughter!

Friends left, leaving laughter and song echoes in the ward, driving out side of loneliness and annoyance. I can't help but look the bouquet of flowers, rolling the glittering and translucent water drops on green leaves, like the classmates that pairs of eyes full of friendship.

Soon, I was released from the hospital. Birthday celebrations in the ward has shed a deep impression on me. I deeply feel the value of friendship and sincere, he is the source of all good things in the world, I will always write down this birthday, write down a profound friendship.











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