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2023-05-30 06:42:02




Graduated from the university's brother to look for a job for nationhood, his mood is very bad.

So the father told him a father and his friends often tell a story. It was dad childhood partners experience. Common course that uncle at university, when his teacher to give them out of the question: if a thing of the success rate is 1%, so please try again 100 times, at least a chance of success is about? Answer 4:10%, 23%, 38%, 23%, please select effect in everyone comment in succession, very few candidates by 38%, very few candidates by 23%, the rest of the candidate by 10%, and 63% had no choice.

Smiling without a word, the teacher immediately announced the answer: if the success rate is 1%, the mean failure rate is 99%. According to the trial and error to calculate 100 times, the failure rate is 99% of the 100, equal to about 37% then we success rate would be 100% minus 37%, is 63%.

When I heard that his brother, tense eyebrows stretching, and he also reduces the professing standards, ready to start from the lowest, then father to help him to contact a unit, the elder brother went to work with a happy mood.

Although I don't know what the power algorithm, but I also understand the meaning, that is to say one thing as long as the trial and error, even 1000 times or more, is bound to be successful! This will certainly there are many difficulties in the process, chose to give up is to choose the failure!

Since the ancient times, the great man is not more luck than others, they are more perseverance than others, they do insist on not give up, don't be difficult down, go forward until success, more effort than others and perseverance!

Success and failure is up to you choose, choose what all in you.









"The secret of success depends on gritty determination." We do everything, if you fail don't lose heart, not discouraged, stick to it, can be on the road to success.

Remember the elementary school sixth grade, the teacher in P.E. class, move to a something like high stools, shape strange. Face the students curiosity, the teacher said with a smile: "this class let's jump goat." "The goat?" I looked at the "monster", couldn't help laughing. The teacher stared my one eye, I hasten to cover your mouth can't say.

The teacher explained the jump "goat" behavioral essentials, signal hint everyone began to jump. The classmates jumped in the past one by one. It's my turn. I do some warm-up first, and then ran to the "goat", but before the "goat" but slower pace, hands a brace on it - but one leg was stumbled, I too late to hold hands, fell down, knees on the floor to ground bleeding. "" call in pain, my classmates gave me a piece of paper, let me stop the bleeding. The teacher called me sit there to rest. The second round began. When I came before "goat", it suddenly became a "tiger", "elephant", I did not dare to jump, they slipped back. I think I have no face, the classmates all jump in the past, I can't jump. Teachers seem to see something and encouraged me, also let the students to a demonstration. I tried once, hand a brace, eyes closed, strange things happened, I fell to the ground again. The students immediately burst into laughter, my "brush" of the red in the face, very anxious to find a disappear. The teacher for advice: "step to divide evenly, center of gravity to unsteady, strong hands, not with your eyes closed..." I'm under pressure, back pain, and jumped again. In an instant, I felt very dizzy, geostrophic day, thank god, I'd jump in the past! "I beat a goat!" The teacher also to applaud for me.

Just at that moment, my wu arrived the joy of success.








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