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2023-06-01 02:49:06




Behind my house there is a beautiful stream, but over the past few years, is the human life garbage and sewage of the factory to make it hurt.

Before, where the river bottom, sparkling under the sun, surrounded by trees and lush, flowers are very beautiful flowers, colorful, still occasionally butterfly fly to collect nectar! Where people are happy to walk, breathing the fresh and sweet air, children at play, at that time the scenery is so beautiful!

But now, the river is very cloudy, also made a taste of the wind blowing, smell the wind scattered, it's disgusting smell. Because the air has been polluted, trees and flowers have all withered, no longer fly, butterfly fish were sewage to kill, people also put the garbage it a car a car on the grass, has become a with the "hill" into the dump, the river became the world of mosquitoes, flies, people go from here to the wu wear nose around by.

Because human life rubbish, because the effluent from the factory, the flowers are no longer red, grass green, no longer there and there is no longer any butterfly... Save the nature! Don't let the earth mother hurt, protect the earth mother, starts from me, starts from now! Wanda enterprise services - wanda (suzhou




因为人类的生活垃圾,因为工厂排放的污水,那里的花不再红,那里的草不再绿,蝴蝶也不再有了……救救大自然吧!不要再让地球母亲受到伤害了,保护地球母亲,从我做起,从现在做起!( 苏州万达企业服务 - 万达


Mounted luoxing tower, horsetail appearance of take in everything in a glance, saw the dock busy scene, thousands of sail for jiang, the shore, tall buildings close together in a row of kawakaze stroke is invigorating, beauty! Luoxing tower! My hometown is a beautiful port city - horsetail, here mountain, beautiful scenery, there are many cultural monuments, such as the navy museum, akie shrine, luoxing tower and the queen of heaven, etc., one of the most famous for its luoxing tower.

Luoxing tower is located at the downstream of minjiang, it like a exquisite them set in the minjiang river, it is like a giant stands luoxing at the mountains, of primitive simplicity and strong body make us full of admiration for it, it is a seven-story octagonal stone tower, about 30 meters high. Each layer of the doors were open phase fault, visitors should be around the tower can half cycle to the next level. This ingenious construction embodies the ancient working people's wisdom and talents.

There has a poignant and moving legends about luoxing tower. Tradition folk song, a woman called LiuQiNian, she is the landlord forced to sea fishing for missing husband, and sell the property to build the tower's tower every day looking forward to her husband after come back, and finally die etc, so luoxing tower is also called "tower", the legend is really let us move!

Luoxing tower and even more profound meaning! It stands on the edge of the ocean, as the passing ships to guide the direction, has become the world's symbol of sailing, also known as the "tower" in China, also became the mawei.








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