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2023-09-07 06:54:13




It's only been a few days since I left school. To tell you the truth, I don't want to start school. My friends leave me one by one. All I have left is my classmates who I don't know. They seemed so vicious that I dared not approach them. They seem to be kind and make people feel alive. My personality looks very lively, but in my body, my heart is really cold. Although the relationship between my classmates and me is not very good, but only to leave, I know the value of friendship. Friendship seems to be the most important thing in my life. It involves my emotions and involves my joy, anger, sorrow, joy. I am no longer that ignorant and wayward little girl, I want to have a big sister's style, to have the desire to learn, there must be...... I haven't tried anything about it. I'm not willing to try. I haven't had enough time to play since this year. I, faced with me, will be the test of my life. I don't want to stay up until late at night like my brother, and I don't think my father has ever done anything like that. Learning will lead me to the sails of my life. It will lead me to my future. You can't get anywhere on the internet! I don't have much desire to surf the internet. But I still hate it when I write online with my primary school students for years. It was my good friend that brought me into contact with people and things that were out of reach in society. I firmly believe that my future will be like a shining star, slim but wonderful! Comment: trust your future is very exciting! "Pupil online composition" is your forever friend!


The summer vacation is drawing to a close. September 1st is coming. It also means that we are going to start school soon.

At the beginning of the school year, most people are very happy, because they can listen to the lessons together with the students, play together and have dinner together......

When I first came to my freshman year, I felt that everything on campus was strange. There are many words do not know, but do not know how an article after article with these words, a word and a sentence, a word, that is the sixth grade so far away from me. Gradually, I became acquainted with all this. In the twinkling of an eye, five years later, I came to the school to be on the sixth grade, is about to become a low grade in the eyes of the big sister, think I felt proud. In another year, six years of primary school life will also say "Bye Bye" to me".

Well, I still have one year to go, and I'm going to use this year to sprint. Although my classroom is on the ground floor, but I also want to let my grades go to the next floor. The new term is coming, and we will begin to master the new textbooks. Six (2) class is waiting for me. Class six (2) is coming!!


It's time for school, and I'm in a great mood. I do not know the students have no taller, fatter; there is no thinner; learning there is no "make still further progress further"...... So, the problem for me was just a riddle. As long as the school opens next week, it can prove these thick and thin questions.

It's almost time for school. I want to know how my classmates finished their winter vacation. Is it clean, neat, dirty or ugly? Is it neat or illegible? It's a bit of a scolding, a lesson to be learned, or a good compliment, a good home?

It's almost time for school. I don't know what the students are like. Is a lively and cheerful, cute; or season Qiling, is hate. Anyway, this is a riddle.

It's almost time for school. I don't know what the teacher will do to us. I hope it is good for us, let us laugh, especially love; do not want to be afraid, who can not see her.

Fast start, everything is a riddle. I think: after school, I must solve this mystery!




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