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英语作文:我慷慨的爷爷My Generous Grandfather

2023-11-06 05:52:04

英语作文:我慷慨的爷爷My Generous Grandfather

My Generous Grandfather-我慷慨的爷爷

My grandfather is the most generous person I know。 He has given up a life of his own in order to give his grandchildren everything they want。 Almost every evening he spends nearly two hours in checking whether his grandchildren have fully understood the lessons they learned in school, and explains to them again and again the difficult points in their textbooks until he feels sure that they have mastered all the content they have learned。 During weekends he always takes his grandchildren to the seaside, to the park, or to the sports ground, playing various games with them。 Whenever his children are sick, he promptly sends for the doctor, orders a special diet for them, and stays with them patiently from morning till night。 His generosity is also evident in his relationship with his neighhours and friends。 For instance, three months ago his neighhour's nine-year-old daughter broke her leg in a traffic accident and was taken to hospital, but his neighhour could not afford to pay the hospital expenses。 My grandfather,who could hardly live on his own income either, promptly gave all his savings to his old neighhour。 Last week, his old friend Lao Zhang's house was seriously damaged during an unexpected storm。 My grandfather, though old and weak, made every effort to help Lao Zhang to repair the flooded shabby house。 In a word, everybody who knows my grandfather respects him deeply and thinks highly of him for his kindness and generosity。

【英语作文:我慷慨的爷爷My Generous Grandfather】



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