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2020-09-08 17:00:01

人教版英语八上各单元作文第一单 元作文 1.北京是中国的首都,有许多名胜古迹,如:长城、故宫、颐和园等。假设你去年到北京旅游,度过了一个愉快的暑假,请你以此给你美国的笔友Jim写一封信,必须包括以下内容:1.Where did you go?2.Who did you go with?3.How was the weather there?4.What did you do there?词数:60字左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Jim,I’d like to tell you something about my vacation.Last summer I went to Beijing with my parents. The weather there was very fine but a little hot.we visited many places of interest such as the Great Wall , the Palace Museum , the Summer Palace and Tian’anmen Square .Many people from different countries come to visit these places every year. I really had a good time there .Could you tell me something about your vacation ? Yours, Xiao Ming 2.假如上周末你和班上的同学到方山玩,你们玩得很快乐。请以“My happy weekend”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇短文。时间:星期天早上8点 集合地点:学校门口路程:骑自行车到达目的地约30分钟 活动:拍照,玩游戏,野餐感受:大家都度过了一个快乐的周末 1.词数:80左右短文开头已给出,不计入总词数 2.短文必须包含所给提示,但不得逐条翻译。参考词汇:get together ,ride ,photo ,game, picnic My happy weekend Last weekend, my classmates and I went to Fangshan.We enjoyed ourselves very much. At 8:00 on Sunday morning, we got together at the school gate. When all of us arrived, we started. We liked riding, so we went there by bike. After about 30 minutes’ ride, we got there. We found a beautiful place to have a rest. And we took quite a few photos and played games together. When we felt a little hungry, we took out our food to have a picnic. Everyone ate a lot, we all had a good time. 第二单元作文 根据下列班级活动调查表,用英语写一篇文章 Class2,Grade8:Activity Survey Activity Every day Twice aFour Timesa WeekWatch TVHave SportsDo homework 100%(All students=100% Most students=51% 99% Some students=1% 50% No students=0%) There are fifty students in Mr.Smith’s class. Here are the results of the students’activity survey. Sixty percent students watch TV every day. Twenty percent students watch TV twice a week. Some students four times a week. Five of them have sports every day. Ten of them have sports twice a week. Thirty five students have sports four times a week. All of the students do their homework every day. No students don’t do their homework. All of them work hard at their lessons.第三单元作文根据表格中提供的信息,写一篇短文介绍你及你的好朋友琳达(Linda)的相同和不同之处。不少于70个词.比我高,更强健喜欢听音乐各门功课都学得好喜欢阅读,通常在周末一起去图书馆喜欢看电视每周锻炼三次 Linda is my best friend. In some ways we are the same. Both of us like sports and are good at our subjects. We both like reading, and we usually go to library together on weekends. But in some ways we are different. She is taller and more athletic than me. She likes listening to music, but I like watching TV at home. I only exercise three times a week, but she does exercise every day.第四单元作文以“My Subjects”为题,谈一谈你所学习的课程。内容包括:你最喜欢什么学科?什么学科最有趣?什么学科最枯燥?什么学科最难?什么学科最重要和有用处?My Subjects I’m a middle school student. I’m learning many subjects in school. They are Chinese,English,history geography,math,music and PE. My favourite subject is English. I think English is the most interesting of all. I don’t like history or geography. They are the most boring subjects. I like math,too,though it is the most difficult one. I think Chinese is the most useful subject and PE is the most important one to our health. 第五单元 假如下面是你 根据你父母、姐姐对某些电视节目的看法做调查,请根据表格写一篇60词左右的短文。 Father Mother Sister Chinese Cooking Can’t stand Likes Can’t stand Healthy Living Likes Doesn’t mind Doesn’t stand Sports Likes Can’t stand Likes Talk Shows Likes Can’t stand Doesn’t like



坚持作文开头 记事的作文500字以上 关于长辈的作文 谜语作文 畅想十年后的自己作文 属予作文以记之的作 集体的温暖作文 四年级游览顺序作文 爱国抒情作文 成功的要素作文 关于漫画的作文400字 用游览顺序写一篇作文 割稻谷的作文 关于和谐的作文素材 我的老师作文250字 溺水的作文500字 白云山风景作文 宝塔山作文 假如我是孙悟空作文500字 慢下来会更精彩作文 写四川的作文 北京印象作文 优秀高中作文 以励志为主题的作文 我的梦想大学生作文 包粽子500字作文 九年级英语各单元作文范文 下雨蚂蚁搬家作文 没有付出就没有收获英语作文 我心目中的好老师作文600字