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2020-12-05 00:00:01




What job would you like to have ten years from now? [Why?]

I don’t have a clear mind of what kind of jobs I’ll I have in the future, but I’m sure it’s computer science related. Because that’s my major and I enjoy learning these stuff. Also, people nowadays almost can’t work without computers, so I believe I’ll have many job opportunities in this area.


How useful will English be for your future? [Why/Why not?]

I think good English skills will be a must when it comes to my future career. My major is computer science and most computer languages are based on English so I have to master this language at least in writing and reading.


How much travelling do you hope to do in the future? [Why/Why not?]

As much as possible, so to speak. There are lots of destinations on my list and actually I want to travel all over the world. Every time I went traveling, I literally felt like entering into a new world, a world with new people, new dressing style and new lifestyle. I love this feeling.


How do you think your life will change in the future? [Why/Why not?]

Maybe the core of my life would change, I suppose. I mean now I’m a student and studying is my top priority, but in the near future I have to find a job and walk into the work force. My life will be totally different when changing my role form a student to an office worker.



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