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2020-12-11 21:00:01

以下是小编整理的剑桥雅思14教材中,口语Test1 Part2范文。希望能够作为参考资料,帮助大家练习雅思口语哟!


Describe a book that you enjoyed reading because you had to think a lot.

You should say:

what this book was

why you decided to read it

what reading this book made you think about

and explain why you enjoyed reading this book.

I’d like to talk about the book The Road Less Traveled. It is, in short, a description of the features that make for a fulfilled human being, based largely on the author’s experiences as a psychiatrist and a person.

I read this book several years ago, because I heard a phrase called “delaying gratification”, which means the process by which pain is chosen to be experienced before pleasure. For example, children will rather finish their homework first, so that they can play later on. But I was the boy who played first without finishing homework. So I got totally attracted by this book, which the phrase “delaying gratification” is derived from.

This book begins with the statement "Life is difficult". The author argues that life is never meant to be easy, and is essentially a series of problems which can either be solved or ignored. And actually this made me think a lot,because sometimes I chose to ignore problems I encountered in life. Anyway, the author defines discipline as the basic set of tools required to solve life’s problems.

I enjoyed reading this book so much, because I did learn a lot from it. I learned that most people, like me, avoid the pain of dealing with their problems and actually it is through facing the pain of problem solving that life becomes more meaningful.



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