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2020-12-17 09:40:02

以下是小编整理的剑桥雅思14教材中,口语Test3 Part1范文。希望能够作为参考资料,帮助大家练习雅思口语哟!


How often do you see your neighbors? [Why/Why not?]

Not very often, like three or four times a week. We both have pet dogs, and when I walk my dog downstairs, I may meet her walking her dog as well, so we would exchange some words but not many. She is a bit old and around her seventies I think. She lives alone and that’s all I know about her.


Do you invite your neighbors to your home? [Why/Why not?]

No. I rent an apartment here in Beijing and I’m so busy with my work. I don’t have time to socialize with my neighbors and I don’t even know their names. Also, I have no interest in my neighbors. I mean we have nothing in common. So I never invite my neighbors to my home.


Do you think you are a good neighbor? [Why/Why not?]

Well, I don’t know. Maybe not. I mean, I don’t even talk to my neighbors, so they may think I’m a bit indifferent towards them, even selfish who only cares about his own things. But I may as well be considered as a good neighbor, because I don’t trouble them. For example, I keep my TV volume down at night.


Has a neighbor ever helped you? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, but it was a long time ago when I was a primary school student. I lived in my hometown with my parents back then and that day after school I got home only finding that I left my key in the school. Luckily, my neighbor, a grandma, invited me to her home and even treated me with chocolate cookies. I was so grateful to her help.



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