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2020-12-09 08:45:01



三、各级医疗卫生机构不得因国籍、种族、性别、肤色等原 因限制或拒绝特定人员的就医需求,应按照属地统一的防控和治 疗要求开展工作,不得私自设置针对特定国籍和外籍人群的就医前置条件和额外管控要求。

四、预约挂号、医疗服务一视同仁。中外人士凭有效证件可 在全省二级以上医疗机构进行预约挂号,预约方式、途径、可预约的号源无差别对待,享受同等的门急诊、检验检查、住院医疗服务。

五、各级医疗卫生机构不得违规泄露所有就诊人员的流调资 料、个人资料和临床病例信息。

六、医学观察期间应落实落细健康巡诊服务,耐心做好对观 察对象(及家属)的解释与说明工作。如发生误解或矛盾激化,医疗卫生机构应理性处理,采取正当合法的手段解决问题,保障双方的权益。


八、鼓励和引导相关人员及时、主动检测和健康申报,及时 提供纸质版核酸检测结果,方便出行。

九、各级医疗卫生机构在防疫知识宣传、就医引导、院区标 示、预约平台等各类服务措施上,尽量采取中英文双语服务,在 涉外医疗服务上树立榜样。

十、各级卫生健康部门对属地医疗健康服务方面遇到的问题 纠纷要及时回应,有效化解矛盾,必要时向上一级业务指导部门 报告,推进问题妥善解决。外籍人士就诊过程中有关涉疫情防控的合理诉求,可拨打省、市外事部门多语种咨询服务热线。


英语:张女士 2125409,13926901169

欧女士 2125401,13823008511

郑女士 2125413,15812602521

日语:谢女士 2125421,13923398645

韩语:孙女士 2125215,13926971905

德语:赵女士 2125403,15992685109


I. Medical institutions at all levels in Guangdong shall strictly offer equal health services in accordance with laws and regulations to all Chinese and foreign nationals in Guangdong alike, and strongly oppose any racist or discriminatory statements or acts.

II. Medical institutions at all levels should provide humanistic care while implementing epidemic prevention and health management and services. They should give full consideration to the reasonable concerns of Chinese and foreign nationals, provide them with science-based and targeted diagnostic and treatment plans and effectively protect their legitimate rights and interests.

III. Medical institutions at all levels shall not restrict or deny any specific group’s access to health care service on the basis of their nationality, race, gender or skin color. They shall act in line with the requirements of the local authorities without imposing any additional restrictions or control measures that target foreigners or people of specific nationalities.

IV. All shall beequally treated while making an appointment and receiving medical services. Both Chinese and foreign nationals with a valid ID are able to register for appointment in all medical institutions above level-2 in Guangdong. There will be no difference in the ways and channels of appointment registration, the number of slots available and the outpatient, emergency, check-up and inpatient services.

V. Medical institutions at all levels shall avoid the illegal disclosure of the epidemiological, personal or clinical information of those who seek medical care.

VI. All medical institutions shall provide regular health checks for those who are under medical observation and give due explanation to them and their family in a patient manner. In case of misunderstanding or conflict, medical institutions shall solve the problems in a rational way and through legitimate means, and the rights and interests of both parties should be guaranteed.

VII. Measures will be taken to give full play to the role of Chinese and foreign volunteers in delivering health service to facilitate mutual understanding and cooperation.

VIII. Measures will be taken to encourage and guide relevant people to receive tests and declare their health conditions timely and voluntarily. Hard copies of nucleic acid test results should be given to them so as to facilitate their movement.

IX. Medical institutions at all levels shall try to offer both Chinese and English versions in the epidemic prevention knowledge sharing, hospital guidance, signs and appointment platforms, setting up a good example in delivering medical service to foreigners.

X. Medical institutions at all levels shall timely respond to and effectively address problems and disputes relating to health management and services, and report to the authorities at a higher level where necessary. Foreign nationals, in case of any reasonable request concerning epidemic prevention and control while seeking medical service, may call the hot line run by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office:


Ms. Zhang 2125409,13926901169

Ms. Ou 2125401,13823008511

Ms. Zheng 2125404,15812602521


Ms. Xie 2125421,13923398645


Ms.Sun 2125215,13926971905


Ms.Zhao 2125403,15992685109,

and 1258088, a 24-hour multilingual service hot line run by Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office.



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