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2020-12-09 09:00:01










十、加强人文关怀,帮助引导师生申报“粤康码”等健康码, 协助学生与社区进行沟通对接,提醒师生不组织、不参加聚餐(聚 会)等人群聚集性活动。有关涉疫情防控的合理诉求,如有语言问题,可拨打省、市外事部门多语种咨询服务热线。


英语:张女士 2125409,13926901169

欧女士 2125401,13823008511

郑女士 2125413,15812602521

日语:谢女士 2125421,13923398645

韩语:孙女士 2125215,13926971905

德语:赵女士 2125403,15992685109


I. The education sector in Guangdong shall provide law-based and equal services to all enrolled faculty members and students, and strongly oppose any racist or discriminatory statements or acts.

II. The education sector shall respect the customary practices of different countries and ethnic groups, provide humanistic care, give full consideration to reasonable concerns, offer necessary guarantee and services and safeguard the legitimated rights and interests.

III. The education sector shall strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control regulations of the national and provincial government, take up the responsibilities as the first accountability unit by bringing management and services of the enrolled faculty members and students into the overall epidemic prevention and control system. All gathering activities will be suspended during the epidemic.

IV. The higher education institutions shall act on the general requirements on epidemic prevention and control for faculty members and students who live in campus. For those who live outside campus, schools shall coordinate with the community they live and bring them into unified management of the community.

V. The education sector should improve ways of working while implementing policies, properly respond to the reasonable concerns and requests of the faculty members and students and help solve their practical difficulties.

VI. The health of the faculty members and students shall be protected in a precise and orderly manner by strengthening classified health management. For those who are undergoing medical observation, schools shall proactively contact the corresponding community or health management institution, give close attention to their test results or condition after treatment, and instruct them to follow doctors’ advice and receive community health management services. Schools will also help with their basic life necessities and ease their anxieties.

VII. Schools shall offer heartwarming services by coordinating with relevant departments to follow up individual cases. In case of forced termination of house renting contracts, lack of residence after finishing health management services, difficulties in access to hotels, public venues or public transport will be followed upon receipt.

VIII. For faculty members and students who are currently unable to return to Guangdong from overseas, on-line courses should be scheduled for them in light of the specific situation. For their own health and safety, they will be advised to follow suggestions of the WHO, to strengthen self-protection, reduce movement and make proper arrangements for their study and life.

IX. The latest information on epidemic prevention and control should be timely released to the faculty members and students, who will be encouraged to obtain the relevant information from authoritative sources, and to maintain a rational and objective attitude.

X. The education sector shall offer humanistic care to faculty members and students, encourage them to declare their health conditions through Guangdong Health Code, and help them connect local community. The education sector shall remind faculty members and students not to organize or take part in gatherings. In case of any reasonable request concerning epidemic prevention and control, they may call the hot line run by Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office:


Ms. Zhang 2125409,13926901169

Ms. Ou 2125401,13823008511

Ms. Zheng 2125404,15812602521


Ms. Xie 2125421,13923398645


Ms. Sun 2125215,13926971905


Ms. Zhao 2125403,15992685109,

and 1258088, a 24-hour multilingual service hot line run by Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office.



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