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Module 9《We laughed a lot》教学设计

2021-06-09 17:40:02

Module 9《We laughed a lot》教学设计

Teaching Aims:

1. Words learning: wore, women, actor, told, joke, funny, after, show, read

2. Key Sentences learning: The men wore women’s clothes.

The actors told lots of jokes.

We laughed a lot.

3. Students can use the past tense to describe the things which happened in the past.

4. Get knowledge about the culture in different countries.

Teaching Focus and Difficulties:

1. Words and sentences learning.

2. Students can use the correct verbs in description of past tense in their daily talking.

Teaching Aids:

Cards of the words (theatre, wear, wore, women, funny, actors, after, show, restaurant)

Cards of the sentences (The actors told lots of jokes/ The men wore women’s clothes/ We laughed a lot.)

Course ware of this unit.

Teaching Steps:

Step 1 Warmer:

Ask students to say the past tense of the following words in order to review the past tense of the words they’ve learnt. Meanwhile it can help them to learn the text and do the activity 3 easily.

E.g. look-looked/ play-played/ do-did/ is-was/ go-went/ eat-ate/ drink-drank…


Step 2 Presentation

1. Set a similar environment as the passage, teach the new words during the course of ask and answer.

T: “Last week, I went to a theatre. Do you want to know what I saw?

Ok, let’s go and see it”

Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the question

1) What did the man wear? →The men wore the women’s clothes.

2) Who are they? →They are actors.

3) What did the actors do? →The actors told lots of jokes.

4) Was it funny? →Yes, it was funny.

5) Do you love the theatre?


2. Brief introduction about the letter, then ask students to listen to the tape with the book closing and then answer the question.

“Did they laugh or did they cry?”→They laughed a lot.

Ask students to do the action of laughing, then practice the sentences :

He laughed a lot. / She laughed a lot. / We laughed a lot.

(此环节的设计旨在引出本课的重点句型 We laughed a lot.通过听、答的方式让同学自身找寻答案,并且在动作模拟中学会去应用和表达。)

3. Open the book, Listen, read and answer.

1) Where did they go last week?

2) What did the women wear?

3) After the show, where did they go and what did they eat? →restaurant

(对于在前面的教授中未提和的内容,我设计让同学自主通过听和阅读的方式找出答案,这样的方式很好地对先前听、说做了阅读方面的补充。同学对于文章的内容也有了初步的感知,同时又很好地处置了新词after/ show/restaurant。)

4.Listen and repeat the passage.

5. Find out the mistakes while teacher’s reading of the passage.


Step 3 Practice

Do the activity 3 (speaking)


Step 4 Production


Fill in a letter which Daming wrote to Lingling, and ask students show their works.

(本着听说领先,读写跟上的教学原则,特别设计了此环节,让同学在说的基础上进一步培养其读写能力。与此同时,以Daming给Lingling 写回信的方式,让同学在真实的情景中去了解中西方文化,学习英文书信的格式。)



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