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2023-05-17 04:29:02




For the sake of our body is the most important is health, health and sports have a close relationship. Everybody together from all over the world, is not a day without you, the home is not a day without the Lord, we do not one day without movement. , do more exercise, can strengthen body, good body and mind. Since then, sport is how important!

I like to play badminton, it has a lot of benefits, teenagers can use it as physical skills to promote the growth and development, an effective means of exercise, the right amount of badminton sport can promote the growth of teenagers, height to cultivate teenagers self-confident, brave, decisive and good psychological quality. And children can be used as active game method to exercise, running jump in the sun, and can hit the ball, fostered children overcoming difficulties, does not fear endures hardship, the spirit of not far behind. Today, my sister and I play badminton, we look for the good of their position, today the wind is not how big, so better to play. By sister to serve, she throw into the air above a badminton, the racket pat quickly with feather out again, the ball flew over my head and straight up into the grass, I exclaimed in delight: "elder sister was out of bounds, the elder sister take out! I won the game." Sister defy spirit yelling: "not! Again, my side wind big!" I saw her with that agile a beat, just still immersed in the joy I was at a loss, the ball is not out. How much I regret my carelessness. In this way, the night dark, windy, we are also tired. But movement continues.

This year is the Olympic year, is the symbol of sports, I love badminton, I like sports, because it is the symbol of our health and the true associating of the soul. Hope everyone has a their favorite sports. I love sports!








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