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2023-06-03 02:04:04




In the morning on a whim I thought I sports festival this year will run eight hundred meters, so get ready to go running in the morning.

After a group of son, I would set out. I ran in a more wide road, run while thinking about things, feel learning is also very like running, thousands of students in the study of the road, sometimes when other people do not pay attention to steal run, others enjoy the break, there is also a halfway out of the runway. And I belong to the people love to steal run, from time to time for a blockbuster. Ha ha.

Learning path, after all, is the long without end, so everyone in the way of learning have a belongs to own post, ran to the station, the way of learning will be over, to go to the outside world. But there are some people, are in life, and beyond all of them, beyond the existing utility, and explore the future of the world. They are worthy of respect. But have also brought the posterity, learning the post will be far from his step on the road. Just like our class, learning to Newton's first theorem, we always say, that Newton, Galileo and Einstein, how is so empty, net what theorem, to torture is stuffed around us! If you heard of it, the in the mind will think, oh, such a great scientist has become the object of the students complain, it's unbelievable.

Why, of course, is not difficult to understand, naturally, there was something wrong with my education, parents often says to us "burden", but the so-called "burden" for "and is", namely pressure big, interest is small.

Unconsciously, have run to the end of the road, on the road of lenovo to here, I should go back to write my homework.







Running, a movement, also represents a kind of speed, but running can also represent a person's personality. Running, speed can be held by yourself, steps can be have a rhythm.

Running in the morning to exercise. When the sun rises, the sun is not very dazzling. You can choose a route, such as the street or the fields, to meet the morning breeze, a breath of fresh air, in a way, you can enjoy the beauty of the flower fragrance, and sometimes also can ask passers-by wave smile, very romantic feeling.

Sprint speed can exercise. The 2004 Athens Olympic Games, liu xiang won let's dash is full of love. Now, the silent "track", no referees, no timer, even there is not even an audience. "Preparation", "start", launched toward themselves the goal you set for the sprint, until the end. Sprint is, however, there is no end, one by one the sprint painted beautiful scene, as the history and the passion in the book of life. When older recall will be hard for at the beginning of a smile.

Marathon can exercise one's willpower. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese athletes, the only field medal in women's marathon. Marathon is the challenge the limit of human endurance, if we can insist on down, is the biggest victory of life.

Running can represent a kind of mood. When you are happy, steps must be rich rhythm, general unhappiness not slow; When you're angry, steps and are generally very fast; When you're in a hurry, fast, but steps have no rhythm.









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