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2023-06-03 02:06:01




Running in the morning is known to all humans have a very big help to us, but I do not understand before.

Previously, I get up in the morning, reading, writing, doing my homework at home. On one occasion, I saw the neighbor's sister running back very happy. Then, I put forward to their follow their morning run. They agreed.

The next morning, I up late, they think I am talking, just run away. So I said to mother: "the next day must call me up at 5:30 in the morning to go running in the morning and the neighbor's sister."

On the third day in the morning, I at the door waiting for them on time. Wait until they are running, I'm running behind. A few days off, I feel very tired. But I saw the sister, they have very happy easy, just want to stick to it.

One day, we run the ginkgo village. Our fitness exercise there. I'll play space walk; Play a Trojan horse; A ladder play for a while... Where I play a lot I haven't seen before, not heard, nor ever played instruments. We play enough, we went back home with a happy mood the walk. I got home that day, although feel a little tired, but feel very happy, very happy. I wish the next run again to a far better place. Even if again tired, I also in diligently.

In this way, I'm up and running in the morning every day in the morning. The time passed, I also grew to like running in the morning the exercise program. Run more and more because I feel funny, strong, body strong and fast. I think running in the morning not only give people bring happiness, also help us exercise, enhanced physique.








"Freedom is the direction of the wind running and chasing mines and the power of lightning, the vast sea into my chest, even if again small ships can sail, the wind flying dream wings, was desperate brave dare love to dare to do, even meet again big, the risk of again big, also can have the tacit understanding eye..." Yu quan "run" is played.

Listen to this song, I can not help but mind.

In this life, we should not run? Just like the golgi petrel, so brave, so have no fear, before the storm, he made the announcement: "let the storm come more violently!" He asked ray, poses challenges to the lightning, he flapping wings fly to terror, his figure disappeared in the rain.

Similarly, in this is full of frustration is the sea of life, we also want to rush forward, to find hope in the heart. Don't go to doubt their own ability, because "even if again small boat can sail." , we want to know, nothing is impossible, as long as we have the courage to fight. Again big waves, the waves again big, never will we buried in the soil of the sea. As long as we maintain our firm determination, will never fall in frustration suffering abyss.

Running in the road, has quite a few people left his footprint. Hawking has come, Beethoven also walked out... They are all with success, with a smile has come.

So let's follow their footprints also continue to go down, took his active steps, run, to run out of their own a piece of the sky.










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