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对于中美教育不同你有何看法 原因 英语作文

2020-09-15 10:54:01

China is the examination oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination oriented education in a large population National talent to choose a relatively low cost. However, the results of the examination oriented education is to train Students from a general lack of innovation. Some people say: "Why can not a Chinese one Nobel Prize winner. "Maybe this is the reason. Education in the United States or the West in many countries, focus on quality education. Concern for each individual students Development, and encourage them to open the wings thinking, encourage students to contribute to innovation 中国是应试教育,当然与历史和现实有关,应试教育也是在人口众多的 国家选择人才的一种成本比较低廉的方式.但是,应试教育的结果是培养 出来的学生,普遍缺乏创新精神.有人说:“为什么中国出不了一个诺贝尔 奖得主.”也许就是这个原因. 美国的教育,或者说西方很多国家,注重素质教育.关注每个学生个体的 发展,鼓励他们打开思想的翅膀,鼓励学生创新思维



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