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2023-05-14 06:47:04




Russell once said: "as a person, for parents to respect and love for children, be generous to poor relatives, all to be polite." And my teacher in charge teacher zhao is such a person, no matter in my life or on study, he gave me meticulous care.

One afternoon, when school day with rain suddenly, that happened to my dad on a business trip to pick me up, and I didn't bring an umbrella, I have to a person standing in the corridor dull looking forward to the rain to stop. To see the students one by one to leave the campus, it also gradually dark, but under the rain. At that moment my heart is very anxious, thinking: "mom will pick me up." Half an hour passed, she still didn't come, I was anxious, I just want to cry. Suddenly, I found the rain in the form of a black, he carrying umbrellas, coming towards the building. My heart began to tense up and thought, "if it is bad? How do I call the police?" When I was in the imaginary, the black figure suddenly appeared in front of me. My eyes see that turned out to be miss zhao. He seemed to know my thoughts, took me by the hand, and care about said to me: "your parents not to meet you today, I'll take you home." I like a lot of injustice, the tears streamed immediately. When miss zhao took my hand out of the campus, my eyes are not only was the excited tears rain.

Miss zhao just answer in our class, my language result is not particularly good, little by little miss zhao found this problem, let me come early in the morning every day, go home late at night, and I still make up a missed lesson for me, gradually I improved my language result many, many, here I want to thank my teacher zhao.

Miss zhao to my love a beacon in my life road.









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